I created https://elliottemple.com
I particularly like the header image I made which depicts the intellectual traditions I care most about:
I also created https://elliottemple.com/reason-and-morality
It had an outline of philosophy with tons of links to learn more details.
Messages (6)
Hi Elliot. I've come across you from reading BOI. Is David Deutsch an objectivist like you? If not, is he at least sympathetic with Ayn Rand?
I'm aware he's a fan of capitalism and against coercion.
David Deutsch is a fan of Ayn Rand, but has studied her less than I have.
Do you have any disagreements about her views that you're aware of? If so, can you summarise them?
Induction. Femininity. How revealing physical appearance is. How effective explanation is (e.g. IMO Roark could have explained more to Dominique earlier, and Francisco to Dagny).
These are milder disagreements than you might guess.
Sorry I should have been more clear, although that is interesting. Rand believes in induction then?
What I meant was: do you have any disagreements with Deutsch regarding Ayn Rand? Or is it merely he is not familiar with all her work?
Biggest issue is DD doesn't understand and/or disagrees with the story of Gail Wynand.