You meet a guy/girl:
A) want to have sex
B) want to solve relationship theory
You meet a rich person:
A) ask him for money
B) ask him the story of how he got rich
You meet a poor person:
A) give him a quarter
B) ask him the story of how he got poor
C) laugh at his incompetence
You meet a philosopher:
A) ask him what's true
B) tell him what he got wrong
You see a teenager:
A) cross to the other side of the street
B) wish you were younger
You see a politician:
A) tell him the government isn't helping you enough
B) tell him the government is helping you too much
You begin conversations:
A) Hi. How are you? How's the weather over there?
B) Do you understand why people like Pokemon?
C) Die infidel!
You see a psychologist:
A) Diagnose me, doc.
B) Diagnose him with a need to control people.
C) Offer him some marbles
You see a tree:
A) Make a mental note in case you never see another.
B) Exploit it for shade without even paying minimum wage.
C) It's blocking your view. Cut it down.
You see Team America: World Police:
A) That was crude
B) That was funny
C) That was persuasive
Scoring: 1 point for every B. There are 10 questions.