Posts for rank 1
- Pun
- Biased, Incompetent, Unscientific Environmentalists
- What People Care About
- 4K vs MYM
- Geek Humor
- Copy What You Like
- Quote of the Day
- conspiracies are hard
- Global Warming
- Cartoons from the Arab World
- Googlebomb
- Capitalism
- evilhasmanyguises
- [Excerpt] Daniel Strimpel on the Jewish Question.
- [Excerpt] In fact ID cards create crime, because cr...
- [Excerpt] The article, by award-winning reporter Se...
- I'm not schizophrenic, I'm just creative
- Apple Rocks
- Marie Claire is Creepy
- What Next?
- movie review - Getting There: Sweet 16
- 98 words
- [Excerpt] curi42 (11:30:36 AM): christian: world
- [Excerpt]
- [Excerpt]
- Why Should I Post When The World Is Doing Such A Great Job?
- stupid parents
- Loyalty
- long log about movies
- mmmm steak
- IMAO good
- For Google
- sociobiology is worse than rape -- a proof
- oil 4 food
- bush rocks
- titles are too much work
- Being High Rated Is Fun
- the twisted mentality of (some) authorities
- how to cook like a god
- not exactly fp material
- dependency
- stupid liberals
- if u haven't been reading IMAO u suck
- megatokyo owns
- rumsfeld quotes
- teehee
- this shouldn't be coherent :-/
- amusing even if false
- i'll kill you good
- title
- so very not PC
- Christian and proud of it
- i have to link this
- another pickup line. not that you need one
- really cool
- a post
- brilliant!
- Tetris
- curi's blocks
- i hate commies
- qqii
- children don't want to be fat
- the truth is i just really hate parents
- Setting The World To Rights rocked even more today!!
- man Frank rocks so much
- spidweb software has r0xx0r customer service
- Exile
- mmmm movies
- The Jacksonian Tradition is Largely Good
- stuff about computer games and programming
- damn title field
- aim rocks
- good info (amateur level)
- hex editors
- programmers only
- pretty
- i'm amused
- absolute ownage
- amusing is one of my favorite words
- i wrote a story; be impressed
- i don't like to eat when i'm full
- The Dangers Of Curiosity
- ai yori aoshi rocks
- exceptional scrappleface post
- Why I Oppose Porn
- just had to quote this
- w00t @ Sharon
- Best Joke Ever
- Horrid
- Jews Done Right
- saddam captured
- monkeys with jetpacks scare me
- i'm not being sarcastic. really.
- rofl
- hmmm this might be a bonfire candidate
- must write posts
- damn democrats
- more frank
- thinking
- Alice the censorship queen
- Repost from tcsblog 2
- repost from tcsblog 1
- i've got issues
- on skool
- Den Beste talks about WWII stuff
- liberals against free speech
- scrappleface is good
- bush rocks
- split post
- [Excerpt] Bob owes Joe $5,000. one day they're wal...
- [Excerpt] if ur wondering whether kolya and his ant...
- [Excerpt] so i was just reading from The Myth of th...
- [Excerpt] i don't usually bother linking IMAO pos...
- [Excerpt] i thought i should post. then i wondered...
- [Excerpt] This new security system called Watchdog...
- [Excerpt] IMAO is back and posting again. Includ
- [Excerpt] So my friend and I go to the park a bit a...
- [Excerpt] dan posts a nice point about radio stat...
- [Excerpt] one thing about questions is: if the per...
- [Excerpt] if you screw a palestinian, you risk the
- [Excerpt] I read an article on Sarah's TCS Site,
- [Excerpt] In comments, Pat wrote: "just you" as in...
- [Excerpt] On the last post, the following comments
- [Excerpt] it occurred to me that you guys deserve a...
- [Excerpt] hmm i keep going "it's late, i won't both...
- [Excerpt] curi: haha, no comments after that last p...
- [Excerpt] they said "we're such the perfect couple"...
- [Excerpt] for children (read it outloud if they
- [Excerpt] wicked
- [Excerpt] Ali G ownz, here's some interview transcr...
- [Excerpt] Scrappleface is a bastard Senator Jo...
- [Excerpt] Blizzard North (smaller half of Blizzard,...
- [Excerpt] i can't remember if i linked this poem
- [Excerpt] you might find the articles here intere...
- [Excerpt] okie, worst romance story ever explanatio...
- [Excerpt] i used to work for a store it was such a
- [Excerpt] okie, time to reply to Virtue Pure but...
- [Excerpt] IMAO writes: * The symptoms of monkey
- [Excerpt] All this D&D info is free and online: SR...
- [Excerpt] Stupid French At least they're funny:
- [Excerpt] Look at this! To tutor kids for the SA
- [Excerpt] What democrats said about WMD in Iraq be
- [Excerpt] Was reading Seduction Strategies and on...
- [Excerpt] The World thread with sociobiologists
- [Excerpt] Elliot: David Carr wrote : I keep think...
- [Excerpt] Feels like I have't linked IMAO enough....
- [Excerpt] Reading an article on blogging I ran in...
- [Excerpt] The TCS Blog (new)
- [Excerpt] omfg (anti-Americanism)
- [Excerpt] I took a quiz ^^ -Perfect- You're the
- [Excerpt] I wrote a comment in this thread on Th...
- [Excerpt] I posted about children on LGF here .
- [Excerpt] Good article by Mark Steyn on how Iraq
- [Excerpt] Short History of Israel on The World I
- [Excerpt] read this article on Israel's use of as...
- [Excerpt] Korel Stories Really good fantasy ^^
- [Excerpt] Gil told a funny joke: It's not the sch
- Algorithmic Animal Behavior
- [Excerpt] bloody hell. now den beste thinks eviden...
- [Excerpt] Rachel Lucas wrote something bad :-/ n
- [Excerpt] if you like D&D, go here
- [Excerpt] someone said the US is less free than Swi...
- [Excerpt] Exile is fun
- [Excerpt] Posted to the TCSsociety yahoogroup (whic...
- [Excerpt] Thanks to Elegance Against Ignorance for
- [Excerpt] To be clear, every non-TCS blog I link to...
- [Excerpt] The generalisation that all generalisatio...
- [Excerpt] I'm now the top google hit for Elliot Tem...
- [Excerpt] looking at more old TCS posts. here's an...
- [Excerpt] Den Beste's worst blog is kinda shockin
- [Excerpt] okie, 'nother old idea i like. p: if ya
- [Excerpt] talk about a worldview/vocabulary gap. i...
- [Excerpt] Look, some junk science, of the Infuriat
- [Excerpt] Go read this piece, it's good.
- [Excerpt] Courtesy of David Schneider-Joseph , th...
- [Excerpt] Concrete bombs are pretty cool. http://...
- [Excerpt] OK, so I was watching Lizzie McGuire *pau...
- [Excerpt] Ambiguity is fun. Like introduce a room:...
- [Excerpt] This is amusing (actually lozza his oth
- [Excerpt] curi: Can I help? Elliot: No. curi: Why n...
- [Excerpt] Alan Forrester has started blogging!
- [Excerpt] What the fuck is with the term "non-conve...
- [Excerpt] Setting The World To Rights
- [Excerpt] On the [email protected] list I
- [Excerpt] "I think you should drop out of school to...
- [Excerpt] Bad Joke It's clear that people on blo
- [Excerpt] Such inane arguments as "well if we attac...
- [Excerpt] Idiotiarian Roses are Red poem: Roses
- [Excerpt] I Am A Capitalist (It's a joke, get it?)...
- [Excerpt] The more money you have, the more diminis...
- [Excerpt] Things that are "necessary to explaining
- [Excerpt] Google "rational chic" and you won't find...
- [Excerpt] I realised that the "What exists, and in
- [Excerpt] I was asked what 'in the limit' means, so...
- [Excerpt] Sometimes, a bunch of independent groups,...
- [Excerpt] Here's an example of a moral theory that
- [Excerpt] curi: And this one time, at bandit camp E...
- [Excerpt] Character Bios Elliot: Me but virtuall
- [Excerpt] curi: Go to sleep. Elliot: not tired curi...
- [Excerpt] Funny ^_^
- [Excerpt] About stains: if it won't come out, it wo...
- [Excerpt] From here : Bartlett roams around the
- [Excerpt] By reader request, Asceticism Ascetic
- [Excerpt] curi: Yay! The camera's on! Look at m
- [Excerpt] Anti Theory Morality is more important
- [Excerpt] Courage
- [Excerpt] Watch this about the peace protests.
- [Excerpt] Read this!!!! IMAO is so great!
- [Excerpt] Rachel Lucas wrote a poem for me :-) A
- [Excerpt] curi: Write about me some more. Elliot: W...
- [Excerpt] Read this . IMAO is great! It's humour...
- [Excerpt] Anti Theory I generally don't like bei
- [Excerpt] Here's a useful risk-minimisation strateg...
- [Excerpt] On the ARR email list someone just aske...
- [Excerpt] I've written comments about government in...
- [Excerpt] Personal Information Sex: What are y
- [Excerpt] Morality I've commented on this threa
- [Excerpt] Movies: Cruel Intentions The Princes
- [Excerpt] curi: You should write a split personalit...
- [Excerpt] I watched some episodes of Everwood. [Th...
- [Excerpt] I just read an article I found on LGF
- [Excerpt] Just read an email by someone who thinks
- [Excerpt] When people write comments, I smile. I t...
- [Excerpt] The best book ever is The Fabric of Real...
- [Excerpt] Fun Logic Mazes I beat them all :-)